So you want to know about Robin?

My photo
Hi All! A little about myself, I'm a 27 year old living in Jersey with my hubby and our 75 lb fur-child, Gunner. I recently landed my dream job as a Speech Language Pathologist in a huge acute-care hospital in our area and I couldn't be happier! In addition to my "day-job", I moonlight as a crazed crafter, lol. I have been a lover of anything "crafty" for as long as I can remember but didn't have time to actually ENJOY the crafts I was making until I finished up with my masters degree. Now, I'm done and have some more time available to create things that I love. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

An Experiment

So a few months ago a friend from high school approached me to make a quilt for her.  She was getting ready to move into a new home and wanted a blanket made from all of her son's "1sts and favorite" clothing... first halloween outfit, first christmas pj's, first bib, favorite t-shirts, etc. to hang on her wall.  Now, while I've made some blankets before, I had never taken on anything quite this intricate.  And on top of it, the material I was working with housed some seriously special memories (no pressure there!)

So off I went.  I cut up all of his clothes, learned how to use interfacing (more on that in a different post), laid out a pattern and sewed it all together.

Here is the end result!  I was super happy with it and her reaction definitely made the experiment worth it :)

Here are some of my favorite sections

And of course, it had to be delivered in a nice presentation ;)

So I need to send a big *Thank You* out to Alison for trusting me enough with some very special articles of clothing!

Until next time...


  1. Love all the details! Did you sew the onsie onto a square? That's super neato <3

  2. I love it! Especially gobble gobble!

  3. It's so beautiful! You did a great job with your friend's sacred material-whew! You're multi-talented bub!

  4. I still cant thank you enough , it warms my heart everytime i look at it!! you made my dream come true , and my beautiful baby boy is turning 3 next week which makes me cherish this blanket even more , it amazes me everday how fast he is growing up , but because of your awesome skills, patience, and bravery to do something new i will forever have these precious memories to look at and fall in love with everyday!It is by far my favortie thing ever ( besides Brady ) Thanks again Robin! xoxo

  5. Excited to read about your craftiness. I'm hoping it rubs off on me :)

  6. This is AMAZING. Such a great idea and you did an amazing job. Would you consider doing some kind of tutorial on how you went about doing this? I'm an amateur seamstress (HA, just started pulling out my sewing machine recently!) and would love to make this for my son. You make BEAUTIFUL quilts!
